
gundam statue in tokyo: because we can always use more gundam

I know, I know, he’s been here several times already. But RJ Evans of Quazen was kind enough to scour Flickr to bring us more pictures of the best thing that has ever happened to Japan. Even better, most of the pictures come in desktop wallpaper sizes! Here are some of RJ’s finds:

And that’s from the equally mighty Wikipedia. The unworthy opponent has been dispatched, and the people are thanking their savior. All before lunchtime.

Read the full article for more pics and trivia. Here’s one that I particularly like: I already mentioned that the Gundam statue will be taken down at the end of August. But RJ mentions that both the Eiffel Tower and the London Eye, which are also colossal but are infinitely lamer than Tokyo’s champ, were originally put up for temporary display only. And yet they’re still on display. But only because it would be a bitch to take them down. I kid, I kid. I hope that the Gundam statue enjoys the same fate.

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